
Saturday, December 26, 2020

What you need to know about Diploma in Infocomm Security Managemet (DISM, S54)

Diploma Course

Studying for an IT security-related diploma is a significant investment of your time, money and resources. It is better to understand the value that you would be able to generate with the course. The information provided here is to help all students to make the correct decision.

Key Points about DISM
Diploma in Infocomm Security Management (DISM) was first introduced in Year 2006. Below are the three key points about the course.

1. Broad-based Curriculum
The Curriculum plays a major role in the learning process. DISM focuses on three main skill sets: Offensive, Defensive and Investigative.

The first year include the general curriculum where students establish the fundamentals of information technology that includes computer architecture and operating system, networking fundamentals, linux administration, etc. The second year has more security related modules such as Ethical Hacking and Defences, Applied Cryptography, Digital Forensics & Investigation, etc. Third year is the most crucial year when you put all the skills and knowledge together to do your final year project plus some modules.

2. Lots of Stress
It can be quite stressful during term time as students are required to go through the curriculum and meeting all the assessment requirements of modules.

3. Lots of Programming Assignments 
The misconception students have is that they assume that the course has minimal programming requirements. In actual fact, programming knowledge and skills are very important in this course. As such, students need to prepare themselves and have the correct expectations before they begin to feel the pressure of the requirements from the modules' assignments, especially to those who did not like programming modules.

So, which course? 
Consider your interest, your academic strengths, your desired career, and the diploma course that would help you reach your aims and career goals.

More information on DISM 
Click this URL for more information on Diploma in Infocomm Security Management (DISM) S54.

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