
Monday, March 26, 2018

QrSafetyScanner showcased in Black Hat Asia

Our Year 1 DISM student Ashley Tan was invited to showcase his hackerthon winning idea, the QrSafetyScanner at this year's Black Hat Asia Arsenal 2018.

 Hence on 22 March 2018 from 2pm he was busy showcasing the QrSafetyScanner tool to various industry professionals who were visiting the Black Hat Asia Conference from 20th to 23rd March 2018 at the Marina Bay Sands.

When asked how he feels, the young man said, "Since this was the first time I attended an event like this, I was nervous and did my best to present and answer questions about my application. I made a Safety QR Scanner application which parses links through VirusTotal's database to check if a file is malicious or not. I also gave examples on how QR scanner application can be improve to prevent certain exploits, for example, phishing. The event itself gave me new ideas on how the industry tackle problems we face today."

Well warmest congratulations to Ashley for this opportunity. His Github link if you are keen to find out more is as follows: https://github.com/xPrinny/QrSafetyScanner.

Aside from his showcase, our DMIT students were also busy helping out in the event.